Compile kemboss client


- The Qt libraries version 5.2 or later from

- A C++ compiler, for example gcc. On Windows You could use MinGW (

- If You want to use kemboss as a client to access an EMBOSS installation on a remote server You also need the OpenSSL runtime library and development files from Qt has to be compiled with SSL-support enabled. The Windows libraries from for example are compiled without SSL-support. An example for configuring the Qt sources before compiling could be:

configure.exe -release -opensource -openssl -I \OpenSSL\include -L \OpenSSL\bin

More information about compiling Qt can be found at


- Download the kemboss sources and unpack them. The kemboss_source directory contains three folders named 'src', 'data' and 'default_settings'

- Open a shell (Linux/Unix) or the 'Qt command prompt' (Windows) and move to the directory '/src' of the unpacked kemboss sources

- Type 'qmake' (or 'qmake-qt5' on some Linux systems)

- Type 'make' or 'mingw32-make' (depending on Your compiler)



When make finished successfully You should have a 'kemboss.exe' in the kemboss_source directory. You now can copy the binary, the 'data' and the 'default settings' folder to a directory of Your choice. Note that kemboss needs some Qt libraries, some libraries from the Qt/MinGW installation, as well as the OpenSSL libraries to run. Therefore these libraries should be either in the same directory as kemboss, or in a directory which is included in Your systems path variable (e.g. in c:\Windows\system32\ ).

Linux / Unix:

To install the compiled binary and the data files type 'install'. The kemboss binary will be copied to '/usr/local/bin', the other required files to '/etc/kemboss' and '/usr/local/shared/kemboss'. The users preferences will be saved under '.kemboss' in the users home directory.